Western University Western U

Winter Clothing Shopping at Columbia Employee Store 2 (AM)
Friday, October 16, 2015
10:30 AM - 1:00 PM

Alumni Hall, Western University

Please note: There are two times for this trip - please register only once. To register for the trip at 1:30 p.m., visit: http://www.events.westernu.ca/events/iesc/2015-10/bus-trip-to-columbia-16-oct-15.html

This year, IESC and Columbia Sportswear have partnered to offer a unique opportunity for international and exchange students to visit the exclusive Employee Store in London. Columbia is an industry leader in outdoor apparel and products and offers high-quality jackets, pants, fleece, boots, and shoes - great options for Winter in Canada. At the employee store, students will receive the same wholesale prices Columbia employees receive (averages 50% off suggested retail prices listed at www.columbiasportswear.ca). Brands available at the store include Columbia, Mountain Hard Wear, Montrail and Sorel. Students are invited to visit the store to browse or buy - no purchase required.

We are sorry, the deadline for registering for this event online has passed. Please email alumnirsvp@uwo.ca or call 1-800-258-6896 and press 2 if you are still interested in attending. Please leave your name, email, phone number, the name of your guest and specify which event you will be attending.

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