Alumni Western Be Extraordinary The Campaign For Western

The Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists' Alumni Reception
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Glen Rooms, TELUS Convention Centre, 120 9 Ave SE, Calgary, AB

earth sciences reception

The Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists is hosting its first reception for alumni from Canadian university Earth Sciences departments at the 2015 CSPG convention.

Complimentary entry for those with full delegate passes for the CSPG Convention.

If you are not registered for the convention and you wish to attend the reception, you may purchase tickets onsite for $25 at the main registration area. This ticket will also allow you access to the Student Challenge Bowl following the reception.

Please contact Paula Luchak if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make this event accessible to you.

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