Faculty of Law Open House
Saturday, September 20, 2014
11:00 AM - 12:45 PM

Faculty of Law, Student Commons, Room 220

Western Homecoming 2014 - All 3 Scenes

Celebrate Homecoming with fellow law alumni in the new student common room of the Faculty of Law.  Bring your family and friends and join fellow alumni for refreshments and a tour of the newly renovated building.  Dean Scott, faculty, staff and students look forward to welcoming you to your former stomping grounds, before heading to the Homecoming Football game.


There is always so much to do when you come home! For a full list of Homecoming 2014 activities, please visit the Events section of this website.

Please contact Western Alumni if you require information in an alternate format, or if any other arrangements can make this event accessible to you.

We are sorry, the deadline for registering for this event online has passed. Please email alumnirsvp@uwo.ca or call 1-800-258-6896 and press 2 if you are still interested in attending. Please leave your name, email, phone number, the name of your guest and specify which event you will be attending.

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