Alumni Western Be Extraordinary The Campaign For Western

Life Stories in Music: An Addiction of Choice
Thursday, May 7, 2015
6:00 PM - 8:30 PM

The Toronto Heliconian Club, 35 Hazelton Avenue, Toronto, ON


Join Betty Anne Younker, Dean of the Don Wright Faculty of Music, along with Western alumni and music lovers as we explore how and why music impacts us collectively and individually. The Master Class Players will perform works of the classical piano repertoire and share with us their life stories of music's persistent presence in their lives.

Master Class Players is a group of six professionally-trained pianists (Lenore Beatty, Deanne Bogdan, Ron Jordan, Joe Wearing, Joan Zarry and Sue Dexter) who met several years ago in a community outreach performance master class given by Boyanna Toyich of the Faculty of Music, University of Toronto. Following years of intensive studies in piano in their youth, most pursued careers outside music, returning to their primary discipline and first love in later life. MCP regularly volunteer their public performances to libraries, hospitals, seniors’ residences, as well as other fundraising and charity events.

Registration is $15 per person and includes performance and refreshments.

Space is limited. Register today!


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