Honouring Excellence in Western's Alumni Community
Saturday, September 23, 2023
5:30 PM - 9:30 PM

The Great Hall, Somerville House, Western University

Alumni Awards Celebration banner
You're invited to attend the 48th Alumni Awards Celebration, where Western honours our extraordinary alumni.

The following 2023 recipients will be recognized at this event:

Don Wright Faculty of Music Alumni Wall of Fame
• Jacquelyn Norman - BMus'90, BEd'91
• Bruce Vogt - BMus'74

Faculty of Science Alumni Award of Achievement
• Boluwaji Ogunyemi - BSc'08

Faculty of Arts and Humanities Alumni Award of Achievement
• Michelle (Gill) Banik - BA’92

Alumni Awards of Merit
• Young Alumni Award - Gillian Mandich, BHSc'07, MSc'12, PhD'19
• Community Service Award - Denise Bebenek, BA'83
• Professional Achievement Award - Paul Seed, BA'84 and Ken Kalopsis, BA'85
• Dr. Ivan Smith Award - Greg Dick, BSc'93

Reception: 5:30 p.m.
Dinner and awards presentations: 6:30 p.m.

Tickets are $125 per person, with eight people per table.

Please purchase your tickets online no later than Tuesday, September 19, 2023
Please contact Western Alumni if you require information in an alternate format or have other accessibility needs.

We are sorry, the deadline for registering for this event online has passed. Please email alumnirsvp@uwo.ca or call 1-800-258-6896 and press 2 if you are still interested in attending. Please leave your name, email, phone number, the name of your guest and specify which event you will be attending.

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